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Poland Launches 'Holidays with the Army' to Strengthen National Defense

In Poland, a new program called "Holidays with the Army" is training thousands of individuals aged 18-35 in basic military skills. Amidst heightened tensions with Russia, this initiative aims to strengthen the nation's defense. Participants, including recent high school graduates, undergo rigorous training and earn 6,000 zlotys for 28 days of service.

The program, which has attracted over 11,000 volunteers, reflects a surge in national defense sentiment following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Trainees pledge to serve Poland, even at the risk of their lives. Post-training options include joining professional armed services, Territorial Defense Forces, or becoming reservists.

This military expansion highlights a broader shift in Eastern Europe, where countries are reevaluating their security due to recent geopolitical threats. Poland, directly impacted by Russian aggression, aims to enhance its defenses, considering historical conflicts and current regional instabilities.

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