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Study Proposes Feasible Global Tax on Billionaires' Wealth

Summary: A recent study by French economist Gabriel Zucman suggests that an international tax on the wealth of the world's 3,000 billionaires is technically feasible, potentially generating up to $250 billion annually. Zucman, commissioned by Brazil's G20 presidency, argues that advancements in taxing multinational corporations pave the way for a global individual wealth tax, even without universal participation. The proposal, which targets a 2% annual tax on billionaire wealth, aims to address the current low tax rate of 0.3% on their wealth, significantly less than what average workers pay. Zucman emphasizes the simplicity of valuing billionaire wealth, primarily held in shares, and proposes mechanisms like strengthened exit taxes to enforce the tax globally. The plan will be discussed at the upcoming G20 finance ministers' meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

Insights: Zucman's proposal underscores a shift in global taxation norms, focusing on wealth concentration rather than just income. The feasibility of such a tax, despite political complexities, reflects a growing consensus on the need for equitable wealth distribution. The strategy of leveraging existing tax enforcement mechanisms, like exit taxes, demonstrates practicality in implementation. This initiative, if adopted, could redefine the global economic landscape, influencing not just tax policies but also wealth management strategies among the ultra-rich.

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