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China Achieves Milestone with 10-km Vertical Takeoff and Landing Test of Reusable Launch Vehicle

China Achieves Milestone with 10-km Vertical Takeoff and Landing Test of Reusable Launch Vehicle

China's aerospace advancements continue with the successful 10-km vertical takeoff and landing test of a reusable launch vehicle, marking a significant milestone. This achievement is powered by a domestically developed deep-throttling liquid oxygen-methane engine, a first for such a high-altitude return flight.

The 3.8-meter diameter rocket, featuring three variable-thrust engines, climbed to 12 kilometers before executing a controlled descent. Precision was crucial as it extended landing legs at 50 meters and performed a soft, vertical landing.

This test not only demonstrates advanced technologies such as high-load landing cushioning and large-thrust variable reusable engine technology but also sets the stage for the maiden flight of a 4-meter-class reusable launch vehicle planned for 2025.

The liquid oxygen-methane engine, known for its environmental friendliness and absence of coking, aligns with current trends in commercial rocket development. Its efficiency and cost-effectiveness are key in the growing field of reusable space technology.

As countries strive to perfect reusable launch vehicles, China's vertical takeoff and landing approach, which involves complex modifications and systems, distinguishes itself. This test underscores China's dedication to advancing space technology and lowering the economic hurdles to space exploration.

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