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China Live e-commerce enters the buyer's era: Xiaohongshu leads the new trend

China Live e-commerce enters the buyer's era: Xiaohongshu leads the new trend

E-commerce Evolution: The Second Half of Live Commerce

With the conclusion of the 618 Shopping Festival, the e-commerce industry is undergoing a new transformation. Live commerce, marking the era of e-commerce 3.0, is gradually replacing traditional promotional models. This year, Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) has particularly stood out, with its "buyer model" emerging as a new trend.

The Buyer Model: Core of the New E-commerce Ecosystem

Xiaohongshu's buyers differ from the traditional model that relies on top-tier influencers; they are mostly ordinary individuals such as full-time mothers and college students, with modest fan bases but capable of driving significant sales. These buyers serve not only as sellers but also as bridges between products and consumers, conveying product values based on their personal experiences, aesthetics, and lifestyles.

Interaction Between Social Environment and E-commerce Models

The development of e-commerce is closely linked to the social environment. From PC e-commerce to mobile e-commerce, and now to live commerce, each transformation has been accompanied by changes in technology and societal needs, such as the widespread adoption of mobile internet and the rise of content consumption. In the second half of live commerce, the increasing emphasis by consumers on content and values has driven the rise of the buyer model.

Value and Impact of the Buyer Model

The buyer model not only enhances the efficiency of matching products with consumers but also strengthens the personalization and emotional connections of brands. On Xiaohongshu, buyers create a more in-depth shopping scenario through personalized selection and services, allowing consumers to fulfill functional needs while also experiencing emotional and aesthetic resonance.


The second half of live commerce is no longer a simple price war but is shifting towards deeper satisfaction of consumer needs. Xiaohongshu's buyer model, with its personalized and emotional characteristics, is leading the e-commerce industry into a more mature and diverse new era.

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