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President Biden Pardons Thousands of US Veterans Convicted Under Outdated Gay Sex Ban

President Biden Pardons Thousands of US Veterans Convicted Under Outdated Gay Sex Ban

President Biden has pardoned thousands of US veterans convicted under outdated military law banning gay sex. This proclamation, issued during Pride month, aims to correct a historical injustice by allowing LGBTQ+ service members convicted solely for their sexual orientation to apply for a pardon certificate. This document will enable them to access previously withheld benefits.

The pardon covers those convicted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice article 125, which criminalized sodomy until 2013. It includes victims of the 1950s "lavender scare," where thousands of LGBTQ+ federal employees were unjustly targeted and lost their jobs.

This action not only acknowledges past wrongs but also challenges policies like "don’t ask, don’t tell," which previously governed LGBTQ+ service in the military. Biden’s initiative ensures that military culture evolves to reflect broader American values of dignity and decency.

With this pardon, eligible veterans can now seek changes to their discharge status, impacting their eligibility for Veterans Affairs benefits. The administration is committed to ensuring these veterans receive the care and benefits they have earned.

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