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2023 Canadian Wildfires Release Massive Amounts of CO2, Impacting Climate and Health

Canadian wildfires in 2023 released more heat-trapping carbon dioxide than India's fossil fuel emissions, scorching an area larger than West Virginia. These fires, fueled by warming temperatures, emitted 3.28 billion tons of CO2, nearly four times the annual emissions from airplanes.

Forests act as carbon sinks, storing CO2. When they burn, this stored carbon is released, contributing to global warming. Although regrowth can sequester some carbon over decades, the immediate impact exacerbates climate change.

The fires not only increased atmospheric CO2 but also degraded air quality, affecting millions and forcing over 200,000 residents to evacuate. Climate change, marked by warmer temperatures and drier conditions, is a significant factor in the escalation of these fires.

As the world continues to warm, catastrophic fire years like 2023 may become more frequent, posing a grave threat to ecosystems and human health.

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