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Canada's Centenarian Boom: A Growing Demographic and Its Challenges

Canada's centenarians, once a rarity, now form the fastest-growing age group. Their numbers have surged from 3,393 in 2000 to 11,705 in 2023, with projections to reach 106,100 by 2073. This demographic shift is attributed to advances in healthcare and heightened medical awareness, with genetics also playing a significant role.

Vi Roden, 101, reads 50 books a year and practices yoga. Joseph Novak, 100, a WWII veteran, listens to audiobooks. Despite challenges such as dementia and isolation, these centenarians embody resilience and joy.

However, societal structures lag in adapting to this aging population. Anne Martin-Matthews, a former professor, notes that despite decades of warning, sectors like healthcare and housing remain unprepared.

The secret to longevity varies: for Bill Hamill, it's "everything in moderation." Dr. Roger Wong emphasizes the importance of health awareness and lifestyle choices, alongside genetic predispositions.

Globally, centenarians are increasing, but Canada stands out with a high per capita rate. This trend extends to nonagenarians and octogenarians, highlighting a broader demographic transformation. As society ages, the need for comprehensive policy changes becomes urgent.

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