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Elon Musk Challenges CNN's Broadcast Rules for Presidential Debate on X Platform

Elon Musk, owner of X (formerly Twitter), announced that X will allow third-party streams of the upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, defying CNN's broadcast rules. CNN, as the host of the debate, restricts live commentary during the event, a condition Musk rejects, arguing that the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) does not apply. This decision enables streamers, regardless of political affiliation, to provide live commentary without the fear of takedown, contrasting with Musk's recent right-leaning actions. The situation now depends on whether CNN will take legal action against Musk and X for non-compliance with their broadcast terms.

The DMCA, a law governing online copyright, usually prompts platforms to remove content at the request of rights holders. Musk's stance challenges this standard, potentially setting a precedent for fair use in live political commentary.

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