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Freeport Indonesia Launches $3.7bn Copper Smelter in East Java

Freeport Indonesia has inaugurated the world's largest copper smelter in East Java, tripling its copper cathode production to cater to the escalating demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy. The $3.7 billion Gresik-based facility is capable of producing between 600,000 to 700,000 tonnes annually, significantly enhancing Freeport's previous capacity of 300,000 tonnes.

President Tony Wenas expects to achieve full production by December, with the smelter also generating substantial amounts of gold and silver from anode slime. This development is in line with Indonesia's strategy to bolster domestic metal processing, following a ban on nickel ore exports.

Although scaling production rapidly presents challenges due to copper's capital-intensive mining process, the new smelter places Freeport in a favorable position amidst increasing copper prices. The government, which holds a majority stake in Freeport Indonesia, is in ongoing negotiations to increase its share and extend mining rights.

This strategic initiative not only strengthens Indonesia's industrial capabilities but also highlights the global transition towards sustainable technologies, which heavily depend on copper.

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