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2023 Canadian Wildfires Emit Four Times More CO2 Than Airplanes

2023 Canadian Wildfires Emit Four Times More CO2 Than Airplanes

In 2023, Canadian wildfires released an astonishing 3.28 billion tons of carbon dioxide, nearly quadrupling annual airplane emissions. These fires, driven by rising temperatures, burned an area larger than West Virginia, accounting for 27% of global tree cover loss—a significant leap from the usual 6%.

The forests, typically carbon sinks, became major emitters, releasing stored carbon back into the atmosphere. While regrowth can sequester some carbon over decades, the immediate effects intensify climate warming.

Beyond environmental harm, the fires deteriorated air quality, leading to evacuations and impacting urban areas as far as New York City. Climate change, characterized by unusually high temperatures, played a crucial role in triggering these catastrophic fires.

The intensity of the 2023 fire season highlights a concerning trend: as the world warms, fire seasons extend, and the risk of such devastating fires rises.

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