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China's Chang'e 6 successfully collected samples from the far side of the moon.

China's Chang'e 6 successfully collected samples from the far side of the moon.

The Chang'e 6 mission successfully collected 1935.3 grams of lunar far-side samples, marking a new phase in China's lunar exploration program focused on scientific research. This mission landed in the South Pole-Aitken basin, the largest impact crater in the solar system, which may contain deep lunar materials.

Compared to samples previously collected from the lunar near side, these ancient lunar soil samples hold significant scientific importance for studying lunar evolution. The success of Chang'e 6 is not only China's first sampling from the lunar far side but also a first for humanity.

China's manned lunar exploration program has been initiated, with plans to achieve the first Chinese lunar landing by 2030. In the coming years, China will continue to advance the Chang'e 7 and 8 missions, with the ultimate goal of establishing an international lunar research station.

The success of this mission not only showcases China's space capabilities but also provides new materials for lunar research to the global scientific community. The Chinese dream of "reaching for the moon" is gradually becoming a reality.

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