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U.S., Japan, and Philippines Form Alliance Against Disinformation

U.S., Japan, and Philippines Form Alliance Against Disinformation

U.S., Japan, and the Philippines unite against disinformation, a growing global threat. This summer, they launch an expert group to share strategies and counter false narratives, often linked to China and Russia.

Disinformation tactics vary: China spreads falsehoods about Japan's Fukushima water release; Russia manipulates social media during U.S. elections and uses AI-doctored videos in Ukraine. The Philippines combats Chinese misinformation over South China Sea disputes.

Japan's Foreign Ministry responds with a dedicated webpage to debunk myths. The U.S. faces ongoing threats to its electoral integrity. Russia's use of fake videos and impersonations, like the hoax involving British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, exemplifies the deceit.

China's recent formation of an information warfare unit signals a strategic shift in their military approach, potentially aimed at influencing the Taiwan issue.

This alliance underscores a collective need to safeguard truth in a world where information is both weapon and shield.

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