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Younger Generations Reshape Asian Art Market with Digital and NFT Investments

Younger Asians are splurging on art, reshaping the market. Nicolas Chow, Sotheby's Asia chairman, notes millennials and Gen X as significant spenders, with Gen Z emerging. In 2023, these groups spent heavily, with millennials averaging nearly $60,000 on art and antiques.

Auction houses like Christie's see a surge in younger buyers, with digital platforms playing a pivotal role post-pandemic. This shift is not just about buying; it's a cultural evolution, with digital art and NFTs gaining traction. Angelle Siyang-Le, Art Basel Hong Kong director, highlights the broadening scope of digital art, from photography to AI-generated pieces.

Hong Kong's art scene is booming, with new galleries and museums fostering a vibrant community. Sotheby's expansion, including a new flagship in Hong Kong, underscores this growth, offering a diverse range of art from ancient to digital.

This trend reflects a generational shift in art consumption, driven by technology and a quest for new experiences. As Asia's art market thrives, it challenges traditional norms, embracing innovation and diversity.

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