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Asteroid Bennu's Oceanic Origins and Life's Potential Beginnings

Scientists discovered water-soluble magnesium-sodium phosphate in rocks from asteroid Bennu. This mineral was unexpected and not previously identified in earlier data. It suggests that Bennu might have originated from an ocean world.

Phosphate compounds are essential for life, being part of DNA's structure. The samples from Bennu indicate a history involving water. The asteroid is rich in carbon and could contain clues about the origins of life. Some fragments might even date back to before the solar system.

NASA's OSIRIS-Rex mission, launched in 2016, retrieved these samples, marking the first time the U.S. has collected asteroid material. These findings support the need for further research on asteroids like Bennu.

Bennu's samples are now available for global research. Scientists aim to track the evolution of simple carbon molecules into complex life-supporting chemicals. The discovery of amino acids or nucleic acids in these samples could be a significant breakthrough.

Bennu's rocky composition and possible connections to ocean worlds like Enceladus deepen its intrigue. The mission's success highlights the importance of asteroid research in understanding the beginnings of life.

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