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Accelerated Testing Method for Autonomous Vehicles Promises Safer Deployment

Accelerated Testing Method for Autonomous Vehicles Promises Safer Deployment

The dream of autonomous driving has been long-held, but the path to commercialization remains distant. The core challenge lies in the inefficiency of safety testing. A team led by Professor Feng Shuo of Tsinghua University and Professor Liu Xiang-Hong of the University of Michigan has proposed the theory of "equivalent acceleration testing for autonomous vehicles," which significantly increases testing speed by 1,000 to 100,000 times.

This method, based on dense reinforcement learning, generates intelligent test environments, overcoming the limitations of fragmented scene testing. Nature has praised this research as a "critical advancement in ensuring the safety of autonomous driving."

Autonomous vehicles need to accumulate over 10 billion kilometers of testing in natural environments to ensure safety. Currently, companies like Waymo are far from meeting this standard in both real-world and simulation testing.

Feng Shuo points out that the low tolerance for safety-critical systems is a key obstacle to the development of autonomous driving. They propose an "AI Against AI" testing method, which efficiently tests autonomous vehicles in virtual environments.

Additionally, the research team has addressed the "sparsity catastrophe" with three solutions: dense learning of safety-critical data, improving model generalization and inference capabilities, and reducing safety risks through vehicle-road collaboration.

Feng Shuo states that these technical routes complement each other and may collectively drive the large-scale commercialization of autonomous driving to levels above L4 in the future.

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