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Eisai's New Alzheimer's Drug Targeting Tau Proteins

Eisai's New Alzheimer's Drug Targeting Tau Proteins

Eisai, a Japanese pharmaceutical company, is developing a new Alzheimer's drug that targets tau proteins, which are associated with brain cell damage. Although the trials are currently small, they show promising results. Developing drugs that target tau proteins is challenging, but they have the potential to significantly alter the treatment landscape for Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease begins with the accumulation of amyloid proteins in the brain, followed by tau proteins, which lead to neuron breakdown. The role of tau proteins is direct, impacting cognitive functions. While removing tau proteins is complex, recent research has illuminated how they spread, prompting new efforts in drug development.

Eisai's drug aims to trap tau proteins before they spread. Successful animal tests have been conducted, and now human trials are underway. The competition is intense, with major U.S. companies like Biogen and Johnson & Johnson also vying for a breakthrough.

Eisai already has lecanemab, an approved Alzheimer's treatment that targets amyloid proteins. They plan to combine it with the new tau drug for enhanced efficacy. Lecanemab has received fast-track approval in both the U.S. and Japan.

Haruo Naito, CEO of Eisai, is optimistic about the potential of a tau drug, stating, "A tau drug could be the next step towards a cure." Alzheimer's affects over 55 million people worldwide, and Eisai is aiming for substantial sales with lecanemab and its new tau drug.

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