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Photopea: A Web-Based Photoshop Alternative

Photopea, a web-based image editor, mimics Photoshop's functionality. Ivan Kutskir, its creator, developed it initially as a PSD file viewer in 2013. Over time, it evolved into a full-fledged editor, attracting millions of users.

Ivan learned JavaScript through online tutorials and believes code performance matters most. He's content with Photopea but acknowledges some challenging-to-optimize sections.

Photopea earns through memberships and ads. Ivan replaced Google Adsense with other providers, tripling ad revenue. He's been self-sustaining since 2017, solely relying on Photopea for income.

Despite inquiries from companies to buy Photopea, Ivan prefers to retain control, believing in potential future value. He's open to collaboration but skeptical about Adobe's interest due to their existing superior products.

Ivan's journey reflects persistence and adaptability. Starting as a curious experiment, Photopea now serves a significant user base, proving that passion and innovation can lead to sustainable success.

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