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Jiangsu will include assisted reproduction and painless childbirth in the medical insurance.
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Starting from July 1, Jiangsu Province will include 13 types of assisted reproductive services and painless childbirth in the medical insurance coverage. This move aims to support childbearing and promote balanced population development.
Assisted reproductive services include techniques such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, intended to help infertile couples. Painless childbirth involves intrathecal analgesia to alleviate the pain of childbirth for mothers.
By covering these services under medical insurance, the cost of childbirth is reduced, meeting the needs of more families. Huai'an City has also implemented a policy where newborns are "insured upon birth," further streamlining the process and enhancing the effectiveness of fertility support policies.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 6 | 内容客观,全面报道,深入分析。 |
Social Impact | 5 | 内容引发广泛社会讨论,显著影响公众意见。 |
Credibility | 5 | 内容完全可信,权威来源,证据充分。 |
Potential | 5 | 内容具有很高潜力,几乎必然触发更大事件。 |
Practicality | 5 | 内容极其实用,已广泛应用于实践,效果良好。 |
Entertainment Value | 2 | 内容略显单调,包含少量娱乐元素。 |