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New Antarctic Ice Melt Discovery Alters Sea Level Rise Predictions

New Antarctic Ice Melt Discovery Alters Sea Level Rise Predictions

Scientists have discovered a new mechanism by which ice melts under Antarctica. Warm ocean water infiltrates beneath the ice, causing it to melt more rapidly. This phenomenon was not accounted for in previous models, leading to incorrect predictions about the rate of sea-level rise.

The critical area where the ice meets the sea, known as the grounding zone, is particularly vulnerable. The warm water melts this region, expediting the movement of ice into the sea. Even minor increases in ocean temperature can significantly accelerate this melting process.

The existing models overlooked this factor, which is why the ice is melting more quickly than anticipated. Incorporating this new information into the models will improve predictions of how rapidly sea levels will rise.

This new insight could alter our future planning strategies. Understanding the true rate of ice melt is essential for preparing for higher sea levels.

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