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Apple's Antitrust Battle: A Global Perspective

The Shanghai court dismissed Jin's lawsuit against Apple for abusing its market dominance, leading Apple to appeal to the Supreme Court. This case marks the first of its kind in China's software market. Apple faces antitrust allegations in multiple countries, including the U.S. Department of Justice and EU regulatory bodies. Apple lost in the UK and faces nearly $10 billion in claims. Epic Games accuses Apple of violating a court injunction. Apple has conflicts with the EU over the Digital Markets Act. Both Apple and Epic have requested the U.S. court to reconsider the antitrust ruling. Apple is facing a class-action lawsuit due to Cook allegedly concealing iPhone demand in the Chinese market.

Antitrust laws aim to prevent the abuse of market dominance, protect competition, and safeguard consumer rights. Apple's challenges in multiple global regions highlight its market influence and regulatory pressures. Such cases have far-reaching implications, involving legal, economic, and technological domains.

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