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Baidu Netdisk launches the Apple Vision Pro version, supporting VR and 4K video.
- summary
- score
Baidu Netdisk launches an Apple Vision Pro version, supporting VR and 4K video. The first AI storage application arrives on VisionOS. The new version offers 16TB of space and super membership privileges. Baidu Netdisk previously apologized for the "Incentive Plan" and has since updated the version.
VisionOS: Apple's virtual reality operating system. VR: Virtual reality technology, providing immersive experiences.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 6 | 内容客观,全面报道,深入分析。 |
Social Impact | 4 | 引发强烈社会讨论,影响部分公众意见。 |
Credibility | 5 | 完全可信,权威来源,证据充分。 |
Potential | 5 | 几乎必然触发更大事件。 |
Practicality | 4 | 高度实用,可直接应用于实际问题。 |
Entertainment Value | 3 | 有一定娱乐价值,能吸引部分观众。 |