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Pestle App Enhances Recipe Management with On-Device AI

Pestle, a recipe app, now grabs recipes from Instagram Reels using on-device AI. This move bypasses OpenAI's ChatGPT, aiming for speed and privacy.

Will Bishop, Pestle's creator, started the app to simplify recipe hunting online. He found recipe sites cluttered and slow, often hiding the actual recipe under ads and stories. Pestle lets users save recipes directly from web browsers on iOS, organizing them neatly.

The new feature responds to user demand for saving recipes from Instagram. Bishop avoided using ChatGPT due to slow response times and privacy concerns. Instead, he opted for on-device machine learning, which processes recipes in under a second.

To use this feature, share a Reel with Pestle, similar to saving from the web. The app also imports plain-text recipes. Pestle's updates are free on iOS, with subscription options unlocking additional features like meal planning and shopping list integrations.

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