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Disinformation Networks Target EU Elections on Social Media

Disinformation Networks Target EU Elections on Social Media

Dutch researchers discovered coordinated disinformation networks that inundated social media in France, Germany, and Italy prior to the EU elections. These accounts, many established following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, experienced rapid follower growth.

Trollrensics, a consultancy, examined 2.3 million posts from 468,000 accounts and identified 50,000 as disinformation spreaders. In France, 20% of posts about Éric Zemmour originated from these accounts, while in Germany, 10% of posts about Alternative für Deutschland were from them.

The networks could control debates by overwhelming platforms with posts, reposts, comments, and likes. Accounts were closely interconnected, likely operated by humans. An example, Leila Ruth 888, managed 13 accounts from various locations, with some posting in Russian.

These accounts strive to appear legitimate by swiftly gaining followers. Their primary tactic is to sow doubt and discredit Western authorities, a narrative associated with Russia.

Robert van der Noordaa, co-founder of Trollrensics, noted that consistent, localized endorsements on social media can be more persuasive than corporate advertising.

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