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Neuralink to Test Brain Implant on Second Patient Soon

Neuralink to Test Brain Implant on Second Patient Soon

Neuralink's brain implant, after a shaky start, is now stable in its first patient. The device, named Telepathy, uses thin wires to connect the brain to a computer interface. These wires, thinner than a human hair, capture brain signals and translate them into actions, allowing paralyzed patients to control digital devices with their thoughts.

The implant had issues—wires detached and air trapped in the patient's head. To fix this, Neuralink plans to sculpt the skull to reduce gaps and tension on the wires. They also aim to normalize blood carbon dioxide levels.

Elon Musk, Neuralink's CEO, announced they'll test the implant on a second patient soon. He hopes to have several participants this year. The FDA approved human trials last year, despite initial safety concerns.

Neuralink is developing a more efficient device requiring fewer electrodes. They're also working on Blindsight, a product aimed at restoring vision to the blind.

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