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Sekai Secures Naruto License for Global Consumer Apps

Sekai, a French startup, has secured a global license for Naruto consumer apps, excluding Japan and China. Founded in 2022, Sekai aims to expand the reach of anime beyond traditional media. The company's CEO, Samy Therain, highlighted the global appeal of franchises like Naruto and One Piece.

Sekai's focus is on developing mobile apps that immerse fans in the ninja world of Naruto. Therain emphasized the goal to make users "feel like ninjas." The company is experimenting with social elements and interactive experiences, steering clear of replicating Pokémon Go's success.

Despite initial challenges with platforms like TikTok and Meta over licensing rights, Sekai persevered. The startup also plans to venture into digital collectibles and real-life events.

Funded by notable investors including Skycatcher and Makers Fund, Sekai has raised €10 million. The company intends to diversify its portfolio by introducing new IPs annually, aiming to broaden its global impact.

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