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UN Predicts Global Population Peak and Decline, Offering Environmental Hope

UN Predicts Global Population Peak and Decline, Offering Environmental Hope

The UN predicts global population will peak at 10.3 billion by mid-2080s, then drop to 10.2 billion by century's end. This is lower than earlier forecasts, offering hope for reduced environmental strain.

Sixty-three countries have already hit their population peak; another 48 will by 2054. Meanwhile, nine countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expect their populations to double by 2054.

Fertility rates are down globally, with over half of countries seeing women bear fewer than 2.1 children each. This is below the replacement rate needed to maintain population levels without migration.

Life expectancy is rising, with under-five deaths dropping below 5 million in 2023. By 2054, average life expectancy is projected to be 77 years, up from 73 now.

Immigration will drive population growth in many countries, especially in the latter half of the century in places like Australia, Canada, and the US.

The report emphasizes the need to curb teenage pregnancies and adapt to changing demographics to minimize environmental impacts.

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