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Frog Saunas Offer Hope in Battle Against Deadly Fungal Disease

Frog Saunas Offer Hope in Battle Against Deadly Fungal Disease

Researchers in Australia constructed "frog saunas"—greenhouses made with painted masonry bricks—to aid green and golden bell frogs in combating a lethal fungal disease. These frogs, once prevalent in southeastern Australia, flourished under the warmer conditions, clearing infections and developing resistance.

The fungus, known as Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis or Bd, causes chytridiomycosis, which attacks amphibians' skin and results in heart attacks and death. Identified in 1998, it has led to the extinction of at least 90 species and threatens many more.

Dr. Anthony Waddle, who leads the study at Macquarie University, expressed optimism for the green and golden bell frogs, although he recognized the limitations of the technique. Previous attempts with other species have failed, indicating a possible species-specific response.

The "frog sauna" method provides a rare beacon of hope in the ongoing fight against this devastating disease.

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