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New Hormone CCN3 Could Revolutionize Bone Health Treatments

New Hormone CCN3 Could Revolutionize Bone Health Treatments

Researchers at UC San Francisco and UC Davis have identified a hormone, CCN3, that maintains bone strength during breastfeeding. This hormone has the potential to treat osteoporosis and aid in fracture healing.

Osteoporosis, which weakens bones and leads to frequent fractures, is prevalent among postmenopausal women due to low estrogen levels. However, breastfeeding women, who also have low estrogen, rarely experience osteoporosis. This discrepancy led to the discovery of CCN3.

In mice, CCN3 enhances bone density and strength. Without CCN3, breastfeeding mice experience bone mass loss, and their offspring lose weight. Now referred to as "Motherhood Brain Hormone" (MBH), CCN3 is effective in both sexes, sometimes doubling bone mass.

Tests revealed that bones treated with CCN3 were not only denser but also stronger. A CCN3 gel patch successfully healed fractures in older mice, a milestone not achieved by any other treatment.

The research team plans to investigate CCN3's mechanisms and its potential in treating various bone diseases. They hope it can benefit not only breastfeeding women but also breast cancer survivors, female athletes, and elderly men.

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