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Skylos Ecology Trains Dogs to Detect Invasive Cordgrass

Skylos Ecology Trains Dogs to Detect Invasive CordgrassSkylos Ecology Trains Dogs to Detect Invasive Cordgrass

Raasay, a border collie, sniffs invasive cordgrass underwater. Skylos Ecology trains dogs like her to detect ecological threats. Their keen noses, thousands of times more sensitive than humans', make them ideal for this task.

Tracy Lyten, Skylos founder, selects dogs based on personality and focus. Raasay's patience and curiosity make her a top weed-finder. Cordgrass, hard to spot and quick to spread, colonizes wetlands, threatening biodiversity. It affects fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and shorebirds.

Skylos works with Australian agencies to map and remove cordgrass. When Raasay finds a patch, she alerts Lyten, who logs the GPS coordinates. The data helps target removal efforts. For Raasay, it's just another day ending with a bath.

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