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Baiwang Tea姬 is accelerating its expansion, poaching talent from Starbucks and Huawei.

Baiwang Tea姬 is accelerating its expansion, poaching talent from Starbucks and Huawei.

Bawang Tea姬, a rapidly expanding tea beverage brand, is poaching talent from companies like Starbucks and Huawei. Its goal is clear: to surpass Starbucks China in sales by 2024. In 2023, Bawang Tea姬's sales reached 10.8 billion yuan, and it is projected to exceed 20 billion yuan in 2024. Starbucks China's sales for 2023 were 22.9 billion yuan. Since its establishment in 2017, Bawang Tea姬 has expanded to over 4,500 stores.

The poaching efforts demonstrate its ambition and determination, bringing in talent from competitors and tech companies to strengthen brand marketing and management. Behind the rapid growth in figures lies the brand's pursuit of depth and breadth in the market.

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