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Meituan's drone service conducts its first trial operation in a Shanghai park.

Meituan's drone service has commenced trial operations at Shanghai's Huangxing Park, marking the first instance of park-based delivery. The new route originates from the Wujiaochang commercial district and can reach the park, located 2 kilometers away, within 10 minutes. Initial partnering merchants include Starbucks, Bawang Tea, among others. The drones have undergone testing in multiple locations, capable of stable operation even in adverse weather conditions, and feature a three-tier safety assurance mechanism. Currently, 31 routes have been activated, completing over 300,000 orders and offering more than 90,000 product options.

In essence, Meituan's drone technology is mature, delivering swiftly and reliably, providing consumers with a novel and convenient takeaway experience.

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