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AI Startup Wittaya Aqua Raises Funds to Enhance Aquaculture Efficiency

Wittaya Aqua, a Canadian startup, utilizes AI to enhance seafood farming. They have secured $2.8 million in funding to expand their operations in Asia, the largest region for aquaculture. Their platform assists farmers with data management, making farming both more profitable and sustainable.

Aquaculture is a significant industry, particularly in Asia, where countries like China and Indonesia are leading in seafood production. Wittaya's platform employs AI to forecast fish growth and recommend optimal feeding practices, enabling farmers to make informed decisions.

Evan Hall, one of the co-founders, identified the need for improved data management within aquaculture. His platform consolidates data from farmers, feed mills, and suppliers, providing a comprehensive view that benefits the entire supply chain.

Wittaya competes with other farm management solutions but distinguishes itself by focusing on feed management and performance across diverse species and regions. They aim to support farmers' financial stability by mitigating risks and facilitating connections with lenders and insurers.

The global aquaculture market is projected to reach $355.6 billion by 2033. Wittaya Aqua intends to play a pivotal role in this growth.

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