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El Salvador's Gang Crackdown Targets Thousands of Children

El Salvador's Gang Crackdown Targets Thousands of Children

El Salvador's crackdown on gangs has detained over 3,000 children, some as young as 12. Human Rights Watch reports instances of arbitrary detentions and torture. Since 2022, more than 80,000 arrests have been made, significantly transforming the country from one of the most violent to one of the safest. Homicide rates have dropped dramatically from 103 to 2.4 per 100,000.

However, many of the arrested children have no connections to gangs. They are subjected to overcrowded and poor conditions in prison, often denied legal representation and family contact. Some were initially held with adults before being transferred to juvenile facilities described as "dangerous and dehumanizing."

Over 1,000 children have been convicted, with sentences ranging from two to 12 years, often based on vague charges. Confessions are frequently coerced.

Human Rights Watch is urging for reviews of these cases, particularly those involving children. They are also calling on foreign governments to withhold loans that benefit agencies involved in these abuses.

Despite these abuses, President Bukele remains popular. His re-election, despite constitutional bans, was facilitated by appointed judges. His victory in February's election has further pushed the country towards a one-party state.

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