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Google and Microsoft's Energy Consumption Exceeds Many Nations

Google and Microsoft's Energy Consumption Exceeds Many Nations

Google and Microsoft each consumed 24 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity in 2023. This surpasses the energy use of over 100 countries, including Iceland and Ghana. Despite their high energy consumption, these tech giants generate significant wealth, outpacing many nations' GDPs.

Google's revenue reached $3056 billion, contributing $7390 billion to the economy through services like Google Search and YouTube. Microsoft earned $2119 billion, with its products like Windows and Office influencing trillions.

Comparatively, countries like Azerbaijan and Slovakia, with similar energy usage, have much lower GDPs. Azerbaijan's GDP is around $780 billion, and Slovakia's is about $1270 billion.

Both companies lead in renewable energy adoption. Google aims for carbon-free operations by 2030 and has been carbon-neutral since 2007. Microsoft plans negative carbon emissions by 2030, aiming to remove more carbon than it emits.

This highlights the need for sustainable practices in tech, despite their economic contributions.

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