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New Framework to Enhance Research Integrity in Clinical Guidelines

New Framework to Enhance Research Integrity in Clinical Guidelines

In 2023, over 10,000 scientific papers were retracted—a record. Many remained unchallenged, their flaws hidden. Monash University developed the RIGID framework to combat this. It assesses research integrity in clinical guidelines, aiming to prevent untrustworthy studies from influencing patient care.

At least 25% of clinical trials informing guidelines may be unreliable, says Professor Ben Mol, a co-lead author. The RIGID framework was first applied to guidelines for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), downloaded over 35,000 times. It uses a six-step process to evaluate research integrity, ensuring only trustworthy studies inform guidelines.

The framework emphasizes transparency. Studies flagged for integrity issues are documented, and authors are contacted for clarification. If no response, the research is excluded from guideline development.

In the PCOS guidelines, RIGID identified 45% of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) as having moderate or high risk of integrity concerns. This ensures only reliable evidence guides clinical practice.

RIGID is now being applied to other international guidelines, aiming to clean up the scientific literature and protect patient care.

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