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OpenAI's Mira Murati Discusses AI Integration and Future

OpenAI's Mira Murati Discusses AI Integration and Future

Mira Murati of OpenAI discussed the future, risks, and partnerships of AI. She highlighted OpenAI's collaboration with Apple, aiming to integrate GPT into Apple devices. This move promises enhanced user interaction and device functionality without the need for new hardware.

Murati emphasized data privacy, stating OpenAI won't use user data without consent. She also discussed the sources of OpenAI's training data: public sources, partnerships with publishers, and paid human-annotated data.

On AGI, Murati predicted significant advancements within the decade, stressing the importance of assessing AI's societal impact over mere technical progress. She acknowledged challenges like data transparency and AI safety, promising ongoing efforts to address these.

The interview also touched on AI's role in education, suggesting personalized learning could revolutionize knowledge and creativity. Murati's insights underscore a cautious yet optimistic approach to AI's integration into daily life and technology.

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