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UK Men's Health Crisis: Over 133,000 Die Early Annually

UK Men's Health Crisis: Over 133,000 Die Early Annually

More than 133,000 men die prematurely each year in the UK, which amounts to 15 every hour. Two out of five men pass away before the age of 75, frequently due to preventable conditions.

Men tend to delay seeking medical attention. Sixty-four percent wait over a week before seeing a doctor, and 48% avoid routine check-ups altogether. Less than 40% participate in NHS health checks.

The health of men in the UK falls short compared to that in other affluent nations. A boy born in 2021 is expected to live 78.7 years, which is four years less than a girl.

Major causes of death such as lung cancer and heart disease could be averted through lifestyle modifications and regular health screenings.

Suicide ranks as the leading cause of death among men aged 20 to 34 in England and Wales. Men are more prone to smoking, excessive drinking, and having high cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

A focused men’s health strategy could save lives and £9.4 billion annually. Movember advocates for the appointment of a national director for men’s health in England and a minister for men’s health in Scotland.

Significant change is imperative. Education and healthcare system reform are vital. A dedicated men’s health strategy is crucial.

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