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Central Committee Press Conference: Deepening Reforms, Advancing Chinese-Style Modernization

Central Committee Press Conference: Deepening Reforms, Advancing Chinese-Style Modernization

Summary of the Press Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China:

  • Promote the reform of the household registration system, register households at permanent residence locations, and accelerate the urbanization of agricultural population.
  • Separate monopolistic sectors in industries such as energy and railways from competitive sectors, and introduce market competition into the latter.
  • Support private enterprises in leading major technological breakthroughs, expand market and capital market openness to foreign investment.
  • Expand local tax bases, enhance the financial capabilities of cities and counties, match responsibilities with financial resources, and prohibit illegal requests for local matching funds.
  • Prevent administrative and criminal means from interfering with economic disputes, protect property rights and legitimate interests.
  • Implement new urbanization strategies, improve mechanisms to prevent rural返贫, and revitalize rural industries.
  • Establish and improve social security systems for flexible employment personnel and migrant workers, and increase residents' property income.


  • Household Registration System Reform: Change the way户口are registered to make it easier for agricultural migrants to obtain urban residency.
  • Market-oriented Reform: Introduce market competition mechanisms to improve efficiency and service quality.
  • Openness to Foreign Investment: Expand international trade and investment, attracting foreign capital and technology.
  • Expansion of Tax Bases: Increase local government tax sources, enhancing fiscal autonomy.
  • Protection of Property Rights: Ensure that individuals' and businesses' property rights are not infringed upon.
  • Social Security Systems: Provide social security for non-traditional employment personnel, ensuring their basic living needs.

These measures aim to deepen reforms, advance Chinese-style modernization, and enhance economic vitality and social stability.

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