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UK Covid Inquiry Criticizes Pandemic Preparations

UK Covid Inquiry Criticizes Pandemic Preparations

The UK Covid inquiry, launched in June 2022 by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, aims to scrutinize government actions during the pandemic. Chaired by Baroness Hallett, the inquiry began public hearings in June 2023. It has the power to compel evidence but cannot assign guilt.

The first report, released recently, criticizes the UK's pandemic preparations, stating they were flawed, leading to unnecessary deaths and economic damage. The UK planned for a mild pandemic, not the severe one that unfolded. This miscalculation resulted in untested lockdown policies.

Baroness Hallett emphasized the need for urgent reforms in emergency planning. She aims to implement many changes within six months to a year. The inquiry will continue to explore various aspects of the pandemic response, from political decisions to vaccine distribution.

The inquiry's findings could reshape how the UK handles future national emergencies.

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