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Biden Withdraws from 2024 Presidential Election: Shockwaves in American Politics

Biden Withdraws from 2024 Presidential Election: Shockwaves in American Politics

Biden Announces Withdrawal from 2024 Presidential Election, Shocking the American Political Scene. Under immense pressure within the Democratic Party, Biden ultimately chose to withdraw, focusing on his remaining term. Trump quickly retaliated, mocking that Biden might have forgotten his withdrawal. The Biden family felt a great sense of relief about this decision, with insiders revealing that the past few weeks have been extremely painful for Biden and his family.

The Democratic Party swiftly shifted to support Vice President Harris's candidacy. Already, 71 federal congress members, 7 governors, and the Democratic Party chairpersons from all 50 states have expressed their support. Former President Clinton and Hillary also publicly endorsed Harris. However, former House Speaker Pelosi and former President Obama have yet to表态.

After Biden's withdrawal, Democratic fundraising surged, raising over $50 million in a single day, setting the third-highest single-day online donation record in history. Harris's husband thanked Biden, calling him a true patriot.

This political storm reveals the complex dynamics within American political parties and the harsh realities of electoral politics. Biden's withdrawal not only marks the end of his personal political career but also signifies the beginning of a new round of power struggles within the Democratic Party.

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