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NASA's Juno Spacecraft Captures Detailed Images of Jupiter's Atmospheric Chaos

NASA's Juno Spacecraft Captures Detailed Images of Jupiter's Atmospheric Chaos

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured detailed images of Jupiter's chaotic cloud patterns during its 61st flyby on May 12, 2024. The spacecraft, orbiting the solar system's largest planet, revealed turbulent cloud formations and cyclonic storms in the northern hemisphere.

These images focus on a region known as the Folded Filamentary Region, where Jupiter's banded jet streams break down, leading to rapid changes in cloud structures over just a few days. Citizen scientist Gary Eason enhanced the raw JunoCam data, boosting color and clarity.

Juno, launched in 2011, aims to understand Jupiter's composition, gravity, and magnetic fields. Its mission, part of NASA's New Frontiers program, has been extended multiple times to continue its exploration.

The spacecraft's findings offer unprecedented insights into Jupiter's atmosphere, including its storms, banded structures, and auroras. JunoCam's raw images are available for public processing, fostering community involvement in space science.

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