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UK Arts Funding and Education Lags Behind Europe, Report Reveals

UK Arts Funding and Education Lags Behind Europe, Report Reveals

Britain's arts are hurting. Funding dropped 6% since 2010. Germany, France, and Finland boosted theirs by up to 70%.

The State of the Arts report, released on Monday, details the cuts. Local government funding for culture fell 39% in Scotland, 40% in Wales, 48% in England. The DCMS's core funding shrank 18%. Arts councils in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland saw similar drops.

Arts education also took a hit. GCSE and A-level entries in arts subjects plummeted 47% and 29% since 2010. The report calls this a "catastrophic decline."

Heidi Ashton, from the University of Warwick, says the report shows a "lack of support in all areas." She calls for a "fundamental shift" in thinking about the arts' role in society.

Earnings in the arts sector lag. Arts professionals make less than the UK median. Pay gaps exist, especially in craft skills, where men earn 70% more than women.

Jack Gamble, of the Campaign for the Arts, says the UK now ranks low in public funding for arts and culture among European nations. He urges the new government to address this.

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