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New Eco-Friendly Sunscreen Inspired by Octopuses

New Eco-Friendly Sunscreen Inspired by Octopuses

Seaspire, a biotech firm, has developed Xanthochrome, a new sunscreen ingredient inspired by cephalopods like octopuses and squids. This brown powder, a synthetic version of xanthommatin, a pigment found in these marine creatures, boosts sunscreen's UV protection by 28% and visible light blocking by 45%.

Xanthommatin, naturally an antioxidant, helps protect skin from sun damage and even reverses some sun-induced skin harm. Unlike traditional sunscreens, Xanthochrome is non-toxic to both humans and marine life, addressing concerns about environmental impact.

Leila Deravi and Camille Martin, founders of Seaspire, have secured $4 million in funding to commercialize Xanthochrome. They aim to integrate it into various skincare products, not just as a standalone sunscreen but as a key ingredient in other formulations.

This innovation promises safer, more effective sun protection, setting a new standard in skincare technology.

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