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Ethiopia's Tigray Region Faces Severe Hunger Crisis Amid Drought and Conflict

In Ethiopia's Tigray, drought and war have left over two million at risk of starvation. Satellite images show dried-up reservoirs and farmlands. Farmers like Demtsu Gebremedhin, who once grew tomatoes and sorghum, now face empty dams and parched fields.

The region's six to seven million people struggle as seasonal rains fail. Camps shelter those displaced by the conflict, but food aid is their only sustenance. Tsibktey Teklay, a widow in one such camp, yearns for her land, believing homegrown food is better than aid.

Doctors in Endabaguna report rising malnutrition cases, especially among children. Dr. Gebrekristos Gidey laments insufficient resources. The "peak hunger season" looms, with crops crucial for the October harvest.

Political tensions and drought mirror the 1984 famine, where a million perished. Prof. Alex de Waal warns of famines being "man-made" and often hidden. The crisis in Tigray, like history, is a stark reminder of human-made disasters.

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