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UN Chief Criticizes Wealthy Nations for Expanding Fossil Fuel Production

UN Chief Criticizes Wealthy Nations for Expanding Fossil Fuel Production

UN chief Guterres criticizes wealthy nations for increasing oil and gas production, warning that this threatens global climate objectives. New drilling initiatives could emit 12 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases, equivalent to China's yearly emissions.

Guterres advocates for the cessation of fossil fuel subsidies and new coal projects, and calls for support for countries vulnerable to climate effects. Record-breaking heatwaves have swept across the globe, resulting in over 1,300 deaths in Mecca.

A UN report reveals 489,000 annual heat-related fatalities from 2000 to 2019. More than 70% of the global workforce, approximately 2.4 billion people, are at risk from extreme heat. Guterres promotes low-carbon cooling solutions and urban redesign to manage heat.

He identifies the reliance on fossil fuels as the "disease" that requires a cure. UK's Miliband supports the transition away from fossil fuels for energy security and climate action.

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