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U.S. Infant Mortality Rates Increase After Decades of Decline

US infant deaths rise for the first time in decades.

This news is deeply concerning. It marks a reversal, breaking from the steady decline we've seen in infant mortality rates. The reasons are complex, but key factors include socioeconomic disparities, healthcare access, and the lingering impacts of the pandemic.

Infant mortality, a grim statistic, measures the number of deaths per 1,000 live births within the first year of life. It's a stark indicator of a society's health and welfare.

The rise is alarming. It suggests systemic issues that need immediate attention. Policies and resources must be reevaluated and redirected to support families and ensure healthier starts for our youngest citizens.

This trend is a call to action. We must address the root causes, bolster healthcare systems, and provide the necessary support to those who need it most. The future of our nation depends on the health and well-being of its youngest members.

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