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Bobby Jain's Innovative Fee Strategy Attracts $53 Billion in Hedge Fund Funding

Bobby Jain, a former top executive at Millennium, launched Jain Global, an ambitious hedge fund. Despite initial setbacks, Jain secured $53 billion in funding by slashing fees: no management fee, and carry fees ranging from 10-15%. This strategy, uncommon yet effective, mirrors trends in overseas markets where top firms like Tiger Global and Blackstone have also reduced fees to attract investors.

The traditional fee structure in venture capital and private equity, typically 2% management fee plus 20% carry, faces scrutiny. This model, inherited from the early days of firms like KKR, is now challenged by market realities and pressure from large investors.

In China, despite similar fundraising challenges, VC/PE firms have been reluctant to reduce fees. This reluctance stems from a reliance on management fees as a critical source of operational cash flow, especially in a climate of prolonged investment cycles and limited exit opportunities.

The article highlights a shift towards more flexible fee structures globally, driven by competitive pressures and the need for innovation in fundraising strategies.

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