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Mouth Bacteria Fusobacterium Found to Kill Certain Cancers

Mouth Bacteria Fusobacterium Found to Kill Certain Cancers

Scientists at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College London discovered that a common mouth bacteria, fusobacterium, can kill certain cancers. This bacteria, typically found in the mouth, surprised researchers with its cancer-killing ability.

In head and neck cancers, patients with fusobacterium within their tumors experienced better outcomes. The bacteria reduced cancer cell viability by 70%-99% in laboratory tests. Patients with this bacteria in their cancers had a 65% lower risk of death.

The researchers are now investigating how fusobacterium kills cancer cells. They conducted laboratory studies and analyzed data from 155 patients with head and neck cancer.

This discovery could pave the way for new treatments for head and neck cancer, which includes cancers of the mouth, throat, voice box, nose, and sinuses. Over the last 20 years, there have been few advances in treating these cancers.

Dr. Miguel Reis Ferreira, the study’s senior author, said they initially expected fusobacterium to worsen cancers or make them resistant to radiotherapy. Instead, it rapidly destroyed the cancer cells.

Dr. Anjali Chander, the lead author, described the findings as remarkable and surprising. Barbara Kasumu, executive director of Guy’s Cancer Charity, hailed the research as groundbreaking.

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