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Experimental drug BLZ945 shows promise in clearing HIV from the brain.

Experimental drug BLZ945 shows promise in clearing HIV from the brain.

Research from Tulane University reveals that the anticancer drug BLZ945 can significantly reduce HIV levels in the brain. This drug targets infected cells, providing a new strategy for clearing viral reservoirs. The study was published in the journal "Brain," marking an important advancement in the fight against HIV.

Although antiretroviral therapy (ART) is effective, it cannot eradicate the virus and requires lifelong treatment. The virus hides in "viral reservoirs" such as the brain, where the blood-brain barrier hinders treatment. Long-term infection of brain macrophages leads to neurocognitive disorders.

The research focuses on macrophages, using the small molecule inhibitor BLZ945 to block receptors and reduce viral load. High-dose treatment reduced viral DNA by 95-99%, without affecting microglial cells or showing signs of liver toxicity.

Next, the study will test the combination of BLZ945 with ART to evaluate its efficacy, paving the way for a comprehensive eradication of HIV.

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