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Japan and U.S. Strengthen Defense Ties Amid Global Threats

Japan and U.S. Strengthen Defense Ties Amid Global Threats

TOKYO — Japan and the U.S. strengthen defense ties. Two-plus-two meeting held in Tokyo. Ministers pledge to enhance interoperability and cooperation. Emphasis on Indo-Pacific and global threats. Challenges from China, North Korea, and Russia highlighted.

U.S. to 'reconstitute' forces based in Japan. New USFJ to coordinate security activities. Essential for contingency planning. Japan’s defense capabilities bolstered. Constitutional limits relaxed.

Tensions in the South China Sea noted. China’s activities condemned. Concerns over the Taiwan Strait raised. Multilateral coordination emphasized.

Production of Patriot PAC-3 and Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air missiles increased. Extended deterrence meeting conducted. Nuclear threats from North Korea and China addressed.

Trilateral memorandum of understanding with South Korea. Plans for real-time intelligence sharing, regular meetings, and joint exercises.

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